Tuesday, July 31, 2007

عاجل - دعوة لحضور مؤتمر الشباب في شرم الشيخ

تلقى أمين سر النادي في ساعة متأخرة من ليلة أمس دعوة لثلاثة أشخاص لحضور مؤتمر الشباب العالمي الذي سيقام في شرم الشيخ في الفترة من 1 الى 3 ألول برعاية مؤسسة سوزان مبارك للشباب و بدعم من برنامج الأممالمتحدة الانمائي ، و حسب ما تنص علي الدعوة المبينة أدناه فيحق للنادي ترشيح ثلاثة مشاركين بموعد أقصاه يوم غد الأربعاء 1 / 8 / 2007 .

و عليه فيسرنا أن ندعو أعضاء النادي للمشاركة في هذا المؤتمر حسب الأولويات التالية :
1. أن يكوزن المشارك عضوا فاعلا في نادي خريجي اليوبيل و مسددا لاشتراكاته.
2. أن يكون من الناشطين في العمل العام في الأردن أو له مشاركات في الخارج .
3. تعطى الأولوية لمن لهم مساهمات في خدمة برامج المدرسة أو النادي .
4. تعطى الأولوية حسب الأقدمية في العضوية و أولوية التسجيل.
5. أن يكون العمر بين 18 - 25 عاما حسب الدعوة.

على الراغبين بالمشاركة و التسجيل الاتصال على هاتف رقم 0777553293 مع أمين سر النادي علي الدباس في موعد أقصاه الساعة 12 ظهرا من يوم الاربعاء الموافق 1 آب 2007 .

مبينا أدناه جدول أعمال المؤتمر و نبذة عنه و الدعوة المستلمة

Dear Mr. Ali DABBAS,

Greetings and hope this e-mail finds you well.

Our programme, UNDP-POGAR, which is a regional programme of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): the UNDP Programme on Governance in the Arab Region (POGAR) based in Beirut – Lebanon, is sponsoring one of the parallel sessions -- one of 10 sessions organized under 5 different themes -- taking place during the International Youth Forum that will be held from 1 till 3 September 2007 in Sharm El-Sheikh”, and is entitled “Youth Speak – We Listen, Voices for Peace”.

The Youth Forum is organized by “The Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement”. The purpose of the Forum is to provide a platform for around 700 young people from all over the world to express their views and aspirations. Youth groups, committed to building and promoting a culture of peace, will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices in ways and means to consolidate their efforts to best service their respective communities and societies.

The Session that UNDP-POGAR is organizing during the Forum will focus on youth civic engagement and enabling environment for political participation.

UNDP-POGAR started identifying the list of participants, and as mentioned in the below e-mail, Ms. Raeda Tamimi ZAWATI, stated that you would be of great assistance in helping us identify some Jordanian Youth to participate at the Forum, noting that the maximum age of participants is up to 25 years old. Therefore, it would be much appreciated if you could kindly send us the CV of the candidate along with a filled registration form and a photo (attached) to Ms. Lina Ghoussoub (lina.ghoussoub@undp.org) and myself (nathalie.tawil@undp.org) before 1 August 2007.

Kindly be informed that the final selection of the candidates who will participate will be done by the organizing party.

UNDP-POGAR will sponsor the participation of 20 youth from various countries in the Arab region and is of course covering their travel and accommodation.

Please find attached the agenda, concept note and draft TOR of the Forum.

Waiting to hear from you as soon as convenient.

Many thanks and best regards,

جدول الأعمال Forum Agenda

Preliminary Agenda

September 1-3, 2007
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Day One: 1 September, 2007*
Registration and Morning Coffee
Opening Session
Opening Statement by the President of the Suzanne Mubarak Women International Peace Movement, Her Excellency Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Coffee Break
Statement by the Youth
Objectives of the Forum, procedures, plan of work, and expected outcomes

Theme I: Understanding Ourselves, Appreciating the Other
Theme II: ICT for Peace

Theme III: Youth Leading Development
Session 1: The Power of Youth in Promoting Peace
Session 3: Rules of Engagement; What it Takes to Be Safe on the Net
Session 6: Creating Economic Opportunities and Breaking the Cycle of Dependence
Lunch Break

Theme IV: Violence or Peace—A Personal Choice?
Theme V: Health for All: Peace for All

Theme II: ICT for Peace

Session 10: Enhancing Youth’s Political Participation - Exercising Citizenship
Session 11: The Road to a Healthy Life Style
Roundtable 1: Building Bridges across Geographical Boundaries

Sports Activities
Safari Dinner
* Throughout the three days there are side activities, which have a separate brochure.

Day Two: 2 September, 2007
Plenary: Youth and Promoting the Culture of Peace
Report on Previous Sessions by Rapporteur
Coffee Break

Theme I: Understanding Ourselves, Appreciating the Other
Theme II: ICT for Peace
Theme III: Youth Leading Development
Session 2: Is Media Youth Friendly?
Session 4: Social Entrepreneur for Peace
Session 7: No to Exclusion! Investing in Young Women’s Economic Security
Lunch Break

Theme IV: Violence or Peace—A Personal Choice?
Theme V: Health for All: Peace for All
Theme III: Youth Leading Development
Session 8: Connecting Youth with their Communities
Session 12: Young Minds Enriching the Environment
Roundtable 2: Stock Market Simulation
End of Day Two

Day Three: 3 September, 2007
Plenary: Guaranteeing Human Security for the Youth
Report on Previous Sessions by Rapporteur
Coffee Break

Theme II: ICT for Peace
Theme IV: Violence or Peace—A Personal Choice?
Theme V: Health for All: Peace for All

Session 5: New IT Skills, New Markets, A New Global Citizen
Session 9: My Future, My Peace
Session 13: Sports: a Means for Instilling Positive Behavior


Lunch Break
Report on Previous Sessions by Rapporteur
Coffee Break (Report writing)
Launching Egypt ICT for Peace Initiative
Closing Panel Discussion

This session will discuss Forum’s discussions and main outcomes
Closing Ceremony
Statement by H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak,
President of the Suzanne Mubarak Women International Peace Movement
Gala Dinner

Arab Youth – Citizens of the future

The Arab Human Development Report of 2004 urged governments to provide young people with the necessary political space in the public arena, especially in relation to issues of education, employment and personal freedom, to actively participate in the shaping of their present and future lives. As a first step, according to the Report, Arab countries should ratify the 15 major international legal instruments (Conventions) adopted by intergovernmental bodies of the United Nations system relating to the human rights of youth. The report maintained that most Arab countries have ratified less than seven of these conventions, including Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. To date, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, have not ratified any of them.

The Arab Human Development of 2004 Report also highlights the fact that many Arab civil society organizations have contributed to disempowering youth as a result of their own undemocratic nature. As a consequence, Arab youth are deprived from any opportunity to express their perspectives on policies and programs that affect their lives.

At the regional level, Arab leaders have committed themselves to supporting the needs and concerns of young people by “consolidating comprehensive development programs and intensifying efforts aimed at promoting educational systems, at disseminating knowledge and encouraging its acquisition, and at fighting illiteracy in order to ensure a better future for the Arab young generations.” (League of Arab States Tunis Declaration).

Despite the various initiatives, youth remain a largely marginalized group within Arab societies. This is particularly reflected in the lack of their inclusion in the various initiatives of Arab governments to address their needs and concerns and in their involvement in the formulation and implementation of policies that affect them.

Furthermore, although the majority of Arab states have formulated youth policies, these fall short of addressing the real needs and concerns of young people. Generally, Arab policy makers have made only limited effort to involve young people in issues, policy decisions and their implementation. Civil society organizations have also not been adequately involved in overseeing the formulation and implementation of youth policies. In brief, there are few efforts in the Arab countries which would encourage young people to contribute actively and creatively to the policies that affect their lives.

For young people to be heard, they need constructive channels for communication with decision-makers at all levels. At the local level, youth could be involved in the establishment of youth parliaments or other similar instruments. At a national level youth could influence policies through various modes of consultation and participation. The resulting civic engagement and participation of youth in political life are the prerequisites

for a strong sense of citizenship and the creation of increased space for democratic practices in the Arab region.

The following two sessions are dedicated to assessing avenues for the participation of youth in political life and civil society. Their aim is to provide an overview of existing frameworks, structures and mechanisms that promote youth participation, identify challenges and good practices in this sector and ways of promoting these.

The ultimate objective of the two sessions is to create the foundation for a regional network for youth representation with the aim to consolidate best practice and to expand them in the Arab region. This network would make special efforts to include disadvantaged and marginalized young people and those who live in a conflict zone.

I. Youth participating in the public sphere

Youth make up a substantial percentage of Arab citizens. Yet, they remain marginalized in being heard, in getting involved in influencing, formulating and evaluating policies that affect them. In addition, their participation in the formal avenues of participation, such as in elections, remains limited.

As the main stakeholders for policies affecting them, an active participation of youth in decision-making structures, mechanisms, and institutions is therefore essential. Active participation of youth forms an essential component of exercising rights and obligations as citizens.

Potential forms of youth participation are various and range from youth councils, youth parliaments and youth hearings. New forms of participation have also been created by, for example, the Council of Europe. The latter has promoted ‘co-management’ as a unique structure, where youth representatives decide, on an equal footing with the governments, on priorities, budgets as well as on the implementation of the priorities.

The issues that will be addressed during this session are means, mechanisms and institutions young people have at their disposal to participate in the formulation and implementation of policies. The session is also dedicated to assessing current challenges that undermine the participation of youth and the means and mechanisms available to overcome obstacles youth face in contributing to policy formulation and in participating in decision-making structures.

The issues that shall be addressed are as follows:

Ø Existing and emerging institutions and mechanisms of youth participation

What are the forms of established and emerging forms of youth participation at the national and local levels? Are there youth parliaments, youth councils, youth hearings etc.?
Are existing cases of institutions or mechanisms, in which youth are represented, connected to the formal decision-making structures or do they constitute structures that are parallel to the existing ones?
What is the nature of these institutions in terms of accountability and representativeness? Do they reflect and represent the diversity of youth? Are women and minorities adequately represented? Do they only represent youth already involved in civil society organizations?
Do governments involve these institutions in the formal political structures? Are youth for example involved in parliamentary discussions that focus on legislation important to them? Is there a parliamentary committee on youth policies?
Is there an ombudsman for young people?
What is the level of youth representation in parties? Do existing parties have youth wings? What is the legal framework that regulates the participation of youth in political parties?
Are the existing frameworks in general adequate to promote the participation of youth or should they be changed? Are there frameworks and mechanisms to ensure effective participation of both male and female young people?
Are existing institutions for youth participation independent of political powers?

Ø Means of youth participation

What are the instruments available for the participation and consultation of youth by government? Do governments cooperate and consult with youth? Are there modes of direct consultation through participation of youth in policy decisions and implementation? Are results of consultation translated into political decisions?
What is the nature of youth participation? Are young people consulted with in relation to policies affecting them? Do they actively participate in the formulation of such policies?
What are the political areas in which youth are given a voice? What is the extent of youth consultation and at which stage of the political process?
Is there a legal framework that regulates consultation and participation of youth in the formulation of youth and other policies and in the decision-making process?
Are youth participating in the formal decision-making processes? Do youth have access to decision-making and legislative authorities?
Are existing institutional and legal frameworks supportive of this process?
What are the obstacles to participation of youth? Are they of a social, cultural, physical, psychological etc. nature?

Ø Youth policies

Is there a national strategy and a national agency responsible for youth issues and youth policy development? Does the national youth strategy address the real needs of youth?
How are youth policies formulated? Is youth involved in this process? Is the diversity of political visions among youth taken into account? What are the issues youth policies cover? Are youth policies coherent and cross-sectoral, i.e. working with other government departments and agencies?
Are youth policies based on information and accurate needs assessment of youth? Are young people informed about youth policies in an open way, in which they would understand the policies they concern them?
Are sufficient resources allocated for the implementation of the national youth policy?
Is there an assessment of the impact of youth policies?
Are there any partnerships between concerned parties, such as youth networks that would promote a youth policy on the national level?
Are there any initiatives to increase the participation of young people?
Is there a specific policy to address youth in Arab countries currently facing a conflict or those that emerged from a conflict? Are there any efforts of rehabilitation and reintegration of youth in those countries, in order to include youth in the social, economic and political reconstruction of the country? Have youth been involved in post conflict restructuring or peace talks and negotiation?
Are there any national monitoring institutions or an observatory that documents and disseminates youth-related information and that evaluates the impact of youth policies on the lives of youth?
Are existing institutions involved in national policy decision-making and formulation in relation to all issues that concern young people (in line for example with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child or the European Charter on Active Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life)?

Ø Participation of youth in elections

Generally there has been a trend of declining participation of youth in representative politics and in participating in elections.

What is the level of youth participation in elections (parliamentary, local and presidential)?
What is the legal framework that regulates the right to vote, in relation to for example voting age and eligibility in general?
What are the obstacles youth face in participating in the formal election process?

Ø Youth and the gender dimension

During the transition from childhood to adulthood aspirations of young men and women as well as the expectations of society begin to diverge. For young males this implies an expansion of their world whereas for young females the world would increasingly contract.

What are the impediments for the participation of young women?
Is there appropriate legislation that would increase opportunities for women’s participation?

II. The involvement of young people in civil society

Civil society organizations can play a crucial role in promoting civic engagement of youth and in encouraging active youth participation at the local and national levels. By promoting civic participation of youth, civil society organizations lay the foundation for future democratic development.

Civil society organizations can provide the structures that promote the participation of youth. They can further be an active agent in promoting new agendas and concepts for development and to challenge and affect existing ones. However, while a considerable number of civil society organizations have taken up issues relevant to youth, their impact has been limited.

This session is dedicated to assessing those civil society organizations that have played a role in promoting a youth agenda, to highlight the impediments that have undermined the effect of their work and to identify cases of best practice. The assessment will also involve the participation of youth in civil society organizations, including the media.

In particular the following issues will be addressed and assessed:

Ø Civil society organizations active in the youth sector

What is the nature of youth involvement in civil society organizations?
What are the legal frameworks in the Arab countries that regulate the participation of youth in civil society organizations? Are they supportive of youth participation?
To which extent are civil society organizations representative of youth? Are young people adequately represented? Are women and minorities adequately involved and represented in the civil society organizations active in the youth sector?
How can youth participation in civil society organizations be promoted?

Ø Youth agenda of civil society organizations

What is the nature of the so-called youth agenda promoted by civil society organizations? What are the issues included and do they address the real needs of youth?
Are civil society organizations contributing to the public debate on the participation of youth? Have civil society organizations adopted an advocacy strategy to promote the participation of youth at the local and national level?

Ø Youth civil society organizations and national youth policies

Given that civil society organizations can potentially influence the formulation and implementation of youth policies, to what extent do these civil society organizations provide a link to existing formal political structures?
Do civil society organizations encourage the coordination of activities among themselves and collaborate with government, encourage young men and women to engage in voluntary activities and to join civil society organizations?

Ø Youth participation in the media

Media can play an important role in promoting the agenda of young people. As such it provides a space for young people to bring in their perspective, make their needs heard, challenge majority views, hold political decision-makers accountable, and suggest original ideas on issues of public concern. Youth involvement in the media can span a wide range of activities – from learning technical production to writing, and reporting skills and developing media content. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other key documents have highlighted the participation of youth in the media as a key objective to promoting their participation in public life. .

This session is dedicated to exploring and assessing the following issues:

Are there any specific youth-led media and media programs?
Is the media specifically targeting youth concerns, needs, and policies? What is the content of media programs? Is it relevant to young people?
Is the information qualitatively valuable for young people?
Is youth active in the formulation of such media?
Do media promote the active sharing of information regarding youth?
Are ther any media that promote the participation of youth in the Arab media to discuss their concerns and general societal problems?
Are the media trained to cover issues important to youth?
What are the ways in which youth can participate in the media and develop from passive consumers to active participants?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

مبروك نتائج الثانوية العامة للمدرسة

يتقدم أعضاء نادي خريجي مدرسة اليوبيل بالتهنئة الى طلبة الفوج الحادي عشر الذين أدخلوا الفرحة على قلوب خريجي المدرسة جميعا من خلال نتائجهم في امتحان الثانوية العامة و التي جاءت طيبة للغاية بالنسبة لطلبة مدرسة اليوبيل.

هذا و قد بلغ أعلى معدل ( 98.2%) حصل عليه الطالب وائل طوقان فيما حصل 41 % من الطلبة على معدل 95 فما فوق فيما لم تزد نسبة الذين تقل علاماتهم عن 90 عن عشرين في المئة من الطلبة 18 % منهم حصلوا على معدل فوق الثمانين بحسب الاحصائيات الخاصة بنادي خريجي اليوبيل.

و النادي إذ يبارك للطلبة فإنه يتقدم بالشكر الى المعلمين و المعلمات الذين ساهموا في ترسيخ النجاح اليوبيلي بنسبة 100 % ، و بمعدل عام للطلبة بلغ 92.8 % .

و فيما يلي رسوم بيانية توضح توزع معدلات الطلبة :

Thursday, July 26, 2007

بعد رعايته لخمسة نشاطات رئيسية بمشاركة 300 طالب

النادي يختتم نشاطاته في المدرسة ... للعام الدراسي الماضي

مع نهاية يوم الجمعة الماضي الموافق 20 تموز ، اختتم النادي حزمة رعايته للنشاطات اللامنهجية لطلبة مدرسة اليوبيل للعام الدراسي المنتهي 2006-2007 ، و ذلك انسجاما مع أهداف النادي في رعاية و دعم نشاطات الطلبة التي تنسجم مع فلسفة مدرسة اليوبيل و استراتيجية النادي في دعم المدرسة و برامجها ، حيث قام النادي بتقديم الدعم المادي و اللوجستي و الرعاية لخمسة نشاطات رئيسية شارك فيها 300 طالب و طالبة من اليوبيل على مدار العام بالاضافة الى 100 طالب من خارج المدرسة و هذه النشاطات هي مشروع نموذج الأمم المتحدة ، ملتقى اليوبيل السابع للشباب ، مشروع اليوم العلمي ، مشروع مخيم الانتماء لليوبيل و أخيرا مشروع المحكمة البيئية.

عقد نموذج الأمم المتحدة في شهر كانون أول الماضي و شارك فيه 100 طالب و طالبة من المدرسة حيث ساهم المشروع في إثراء الفكر القيادي و مهارات الاتصال لدى طلبة المدرسة من خلال عقدهم لجلسات مماثلة لجلسات الجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة لمدة يومين متتاليين ، كما ساهم في ترسيخ روح البحث العلمي حيث كان من واجبات الطلبة أن يقوموا بدراسة مواقف الدول الأعضاء التي عليهم أن يقوموا بتمثيلها في اجتماعات الأمم المتحدة.

أما في ملتقى اليوبيل للشباب ، فقد ناقش المجتمعون سبعة محاور تعنى بالشباب و الهوية الوطنية و الاعلام و التربية الدينية و المراهقة ، و شارك في هذا النشاط الذي عقد في أيار الماضي 100 من طلبة الصف العاشر في اليوبيل بالاضافة الى 50 آخرين من مختلف المدارس الحكومية و الخاصة . وقد خلص الى قرارات شبابية و صفها معالي د. نبيل الشريف في الجلسة الختامية للملتقى بأنها تصلح لان تكون (( ميثاقا وطنيا للشباب )) .

و في أيار أيضا ، قام النادي بتوفير الدعم اللازم لإنجاح مشروع مجلس طلبة مدرسة اليوبيل في إقامة مخيم الانتماء لليوبيل و الذي قام الطلبة خلاله بإمضاء سحابة يومين كاملين مع ليلة سمر تم خلالهما القيام بتنفيذ نشاطات خدمية في المدرسة من دهان و رسم أرضيات الملاعب و تنظيف المدرسة و صيانة المرافق و زراعة الحدائق بمشاركة 80 طالبا و طالبة من المدرسة .

و في نهاية العام الدراسي رعى النادي نشاط اليوم العلمي في المدرسة والذي تم خلاله عرض مشاريع تخرج الطلبة المتخصصة في دائرة
العلوم ، و التي يسعى النادي بقوة الى دعم نشاطاتها و إعادة الروح الى مختبراتها العملية ، حيث يفكر النادي في تخصيص جائزة لأفضل مشروع علمي للطلاب و ذلك في مسعى لتفعيل استخدام المختبرات.

أما في شهر تموز الجاري فقد كان النادي شريكا لوجستيا في مشروع المحكمة البيئية التي عقدها طلبة اليوبيل بالتعاون مع الجمعية الملكية لحماية البييئة البحرية و بدعم من وزارة البيئة ، حيث أكد وزير البيئة خالد الايراني على أهمية المشروع في زيادة الوعي البيئي بين طلبة المدارس و في الموازنة بين الاستثمار و حماية البيئة حيث ناقش المجتمعون على مدار يومين الاثار البيئية و الاقتصادية لمشروع دبي كابيتال في دبين ، و ذلك بعد أن تلقوا التدريب المناسب.

إن هذه النشاطات المختلفة هي نتاج جهد مستمر للنادي في متابعة نشاطات الطلبة و دعمها و البحث عن مصادر لتمويلها ، و ذلك سعيا للمحافظة على تميز طلبة اليوبيل في مجال القيادة و النشاطات اللامنهجية التي تساهم في تنمية شخصيات الطلبة .

Sunday, July 22, 2007

الزميل عامر الجيتاوي في ذمة الله

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بمزيد من الحزن و الاسى و بكل الايمان بقضاء الله و قدره ينعى نادي خريجي مدرسة اليوبيل الزميل :

عامر الجيتاوي

من خريجي الفوج الثالث ( 1999 )

و الذي انتقل الى رحمته تعالى في سلطنة عمان إثر حادث سير مؤسف و قد شيع جثمانه في عمان ظهر اليوم، تقبل التعازي في منزل والد الزميل عامر في منطقة طارق – طبربور ، اسكان مشاغل الامن العام قرب مسجد الاخلاص.

و النادي إذ يتقدم من أهـــلـــه و ذويه و زملائه في الفوج بأصدق مشاعر العزاء فإنه يدعو للأخ عامر بالرحمة و المغفرة بإذنه تعالى و يدعو الخريجين من جميع الأفواج للمشاركة في عزائه لأن المصاب مصابنا جميعا .

رحم الله الفقيد و أسكنه فسيح جناته.

Friday, July 13, 2007

الافراج عن مروة دعنا دون تهم

يسر نادي خريجي مدرسة اليوبيل أن يعلن أن الزميلة مروة دعنا خريجة الفوج الثاني قد تم الافراج عنها ليلة أمس دون توجيه أي تهم لها.

إن هذا الافراج يأتي مطابقا لقناعة خريجي المدرسة ببعد الشبهات التي كانت تحوم حول محمد العشة و مروة دعنا ، و اللذين عرفهما الفوج الثاني و معلميهم و أصدقائهم ، و الذين أكدوا جميعا أن الزميلين يحملان من القيم الانسانية الجميلة ما يمنعهما من القيام بمثل هذه التصرفت الغير مقبولة.

إن نادي خريجي اليوبيل و إذ يهنئ الزميلة مروة و أسرتها و أسرة الخريجين ، فإننا نؤكد قناعتنا أن الزميل محمد العشة سيكون هو الاخر بريء من هذه المحاولات الاجرامية نظرا لما يتمتع به من طيبة خلق و دماثة في التعامل ، و نظرا لما يحمله من علم و يؤمن به من قيم ، و نتمنى أن نحتفل قريبا بالافراج عنه أيضا دون توجيه أي تهم ، يعود لخدمة الانسان بأنامل الطبيب الماهر. و ليعود الى إبنه و أسرته.

لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال بأمين سر النادي .

Monday, July 02, 2007

Movie night under the stars ... on friday

Jubilee Alumni Club: Foreign Film Series
“Join us for a summer journey around the world!”

Oscar nominated and winner of many film awards:

(Bacheha Ye-aseman)
Directed by Majid Majidi, 1997

When: Saturday, July 6, 8 pm (89 minutes)
Where: Jubilee School Garden, under the stars

Synopsis: Zohre's shoes are gone; her older brother Ali lost them. They are poor, there are no shoes for Zohre until they come up with an idea: they will share one pair of shoes, Ali's. School awaits. Will the plan succeed? imdb

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Reunion of Class 1997 .. In August!

Dear Class of 1997,

Hope that this email finds you all well,

On behalf of the board of directors of Jubilee Alumni Club, I cordially invite you to attend our official ceremony celebrating the 10th anniversary of the graduation of Jubilee’s 1st batch.

The ceremony will take place on the 7th of August 2007 in the luxurious King Hussein Club – Jabal Amman; A great name to associate our celebration with, and a lavish venue matching the caliber of the accomplished Jubilee Alumni.

The Board of Jubilee Alumni Club is honored to host such an event, and to facilitate the congregation of the graduates of the 1st batch to share their experiences and success stories.

We are exerting every pressure to secure the patronage of HM Queen Noor to this event, and we will use our communication channels to ensure the attendance of our list of invitees to this event, which includes top officials, private sector leaders and those who contributed in the planning, implementing and developing Jubilee School throughout the Years.
More importantly, it is instrumental that each one of us rally the troops to ensure the participation of the highest number of alumni , therefore we highly appreciate your assistance in spreading the word around and supplying us with any updated contact list that you might have.

In order to come up with the most proper arrangements we will need your final confirmation by the 15th of July. This confirmation should include you and your spouse or your special one as they are members of our family; Jubilee’s Family!

It goes without mentioning that Jubilee Alumni Club will bare the cost of this event, trying to solicit the funds from donors; however if any of you distinguished alumni has a suggestion of an entity that would like to contribute to this event, our secretary would be delighted to supply the bank account details had any of you or (the entity suggested) decided to transfer contributions directly.

For those who are living abroad, Kindly find attached the Time table of Royal Jordanian Airlines flights from the hubs where our Alumni are more likely to be into Amman and the average fares of the tickets. For Queries about reservations and availability please don’t hesitate to contact Jubilee Alumni Secretary Ali Dabbas by email or telephone, as we want you all to be there! You can get the necessary information by contacting our secretary on Jubilee_alumni_secretary@yahoo.com or alidabbas@gmail.com .

Again, it is of our pleasure to host the first reunion, and looking forward to seeing you all there.

Sincerely yours,

Nabeel Abu Ata
Jubilee School Alumni Club

P.O Box ( 133 ) Tareq 11947
Amman - Jordan

Tel. + 962 6 5236670
Fax + 962 6 5236671/8337
Mobile: +962 7 95449332
Email: Jubilee_Alumni_secretary@yahoo.com


مطلوب مرشحين للمشاركة في حفل التخريج

ضمن التحضيرات للمشاركة في حفل تخريج الفوج الحادي عشر من مدرسة اليوبيل ،، قررت الهيئة الادارية لنادي خريجي مدرسة اليوبيل إعتماد فقرة النادي لتكون عبارة عن عرض لقصص نجاح مختارة لعدد من خريجي المدرسة السابقين ليعرضوا خلال الحفل لقصص نجاحهم في حياتهم العملية و العلمية.

و عليه فإن الهيئة الادارية للنادي ترجو من الراغبين في المشاركة بحفل التخرج و الذي يصادف يوم الاثنين التاسع من تموز 2007 ضمن فقرة نادي خريجي اليوبيل ، تسجيل أسماؤهم لدى أمين سر النادي – علي الدباس – على الأرقام التالية :


و ذلك في موعد أقصاه يوم الأربعاء الرابع من تموز 2007 الساعة الثامنة مساء ، حتى يتسنى للجنة التخريج في النادي اقرار ثلاثة أسماء للمشاركة في هذه الفقرة بالتشاور مع اللجنة المشرفة على الحفل في المدرسة.

هذا و ستعتمد اللجنة قرارها بناء على مضمون قصص النجاح و ارنباطها بمدرسة اليوبيل و على تنوع هذه القصص ، كما ستعطى الأولوية في حال تشابه المهن أو التخصصات لأعضاء النادي المسجلين رسميا في سجلاته.

كما يمكن لمن يرغب في ترشيح أحد الزملاء أو الزميلات من الخريجين لهذه الفقرة الاتصال مع أمين السر أيضا على الأرقام المذكورة أعلاه.